2003 NEWS
well, it's that time of year once again...
does this season have any meaning to yourself?
(it does to me: my birthday is on christmas day. such bad luck, huh? =) plus: I'm turning 30 this year).
1) if Yes: Merry Christmas to you!
2) if No: Don't mind about this and carry on...
news update:
www.ambientmusic.co.uk now has m¨c's short (yet) catalogue available for on-line purchase (analogue or digital). Which shows they've good taste :)
site updates:
- new shopping system, using proprietary PayPal engine
- new 'quick downloads' at downloads page;
- new mp3s for your enjoyment. downloads page, too
- new mp3: Gamma Ray Blast
- new mp3 streams. listen to our music on-line.
other news:
m¨c is now featured on wolf's kompaktkiste, along with our releases. here's the direct link.
great news!
Rui Gato and Dionísio Abreu were the selected portuguese artists to represent our country at this year's Red Bull Music Academy (RBMA), to be held in Cape Town, South Africa. Gato, Abreu and another 58 participant artists from 55 different nationalities were chosen between more than 2000 applications, and they will fly to the South African city to participate in gigs, workshops and other events with artists from around the world between November 2 and December 5 2003.
Gato was selected by his work as outersites, an alias he uses when exploring new beat structures and ambient platforms.
good luck and may the force be with you, Rui.
ExperimentaDesign2003 - Lisbon biennale
last saturday night, plat|::|form played alongside Burnt Friedman and Tonne in a EXD party called SUPER PANORAMA.
the place was magical: an abandoned restaurant located deep in the Monsanto forest park - Lisbon, at the highest possible level. the view was absolutely awesome. the party was good too, although mr. Friedmann should have played for at least an hour more. alas...

in other news, still on EXD, is the chance to watch and listen the work of our own Rui Gato (elastic void, outersites, plat|::|form) featured on VOYAGER03. other musical artists include Tozé Ferreira and Sam The Kid (our local hip hop wonderboy). VOYAGER03 is located at the center of Praça do Comércio, Lisbon downtown, facing the Tagus river. Try not to miss it.
great news part one:
we were invited to co-organize some days of deejaying and live gigs at ExperimentaDesign's Lounging Space. this will be a great opportunity to see some m¨c artists live. from October 18th to November 2nd.
admission is free.
ExperimentaDesign2003 - Lisbon Biennale
meanwhile, here are our confirmations for the lineup:
- XX (m¨c)
- Bruno Barros (m¨c)
- aeriola::behaviour (m¨c)
- 6!X STYQX (m¨c)
- Ka§par a.k.a. Scilent Friction (Frágil/m¨c)
- Pitch Boys + Vídeocolantes (m¨c)
- Aenedra Dj Set (enoughrecords)
- Branco + Sushi (Hipnótica Dj's)
- Stealing Orchestra Dj's
- Bailarico Sofisticado
- Aputadasubjectividade Dj Set
- Objectif Lune
- Spinafro
- ...
- plat|::|form (m¨c)
- Polar (m¨c)
- Outersites (m¨c)
- Aenedra (enoughrecords)
- Must B feat. Mc Sterm (Essay Collective)
don't miss this!
great news part two:
mono¨cromatica recently signed a distribution contract with Farfield Records, a label specialized in ambient electronic music. Farfield also works with several other digital distribution and licensing companies. This is one more chance for us to see our music known outside.
Check the distribution page for more info.
m¨c proudly presents: an exclusive m¨c distribution:

The Vegetable Orchestra
founded in 1998 by a group of viennese university friends, The First Vienna Vegetable Orchestra - also known in Austria as 'Das Erste Wiener Gemüseorchester' - became the first of its kind in the world (hence the title). A unique ensemble which only uses vegetable made musical instruments (come again?). They started to throw some gigs in their local surroundings, and occasionaly in countries around the austrian border, and got to the public attention very quickly. a concert at the famous Vienna Künstlerhaus in 2002 and more recently, another one at London's Royal Festival Hall (February 2003) enriched the orchestra's curriculae.
to top it all, every concert by this unusual group of musicians ends with a soup made by the stage cook (he also doubles as a musician) which is served to everybody, musicians and audience, redefining the concept of 'being full with music'.
Gemise was the debut album [1999, Extraplatte], with more oriented to jazz and contemporary compositions, as well as to some improv. experimentation.
this second album by the 10 piece austrian ensemble, focuses on (re)interpretations of electronic compositions, which range from techno to dub, to noise or even some house. it features a great cover of kraftwerk's 'radioaktivitat'.
true organic electronic music. exclusive in portugal.
some quotes:
«(...) really interesting experimental music.» - New York Times
«(...) sounds delicious» - Washington Post
«(...) get lost in the strange little sonic landscapes» - BBC online
«(...) sounds endearingly whacky» - The Guardian
«Like Matmos and Kraftwerk having a fight in a greengrocer's. Wildly daft, exuberant and witty, this is the most original album in ages. Get a copy!»
Michael, London «Most of the pieces revolve around insistent, primitive beats, topped off with a drizzle of rustling, breathy stabs, squeaks and keening whistles. The Basic Channel-esque "Greenhouse" is powered by a bassline that could have emerged from a knackered old synth, while the aptly titled "Noiz" is a texturally dense, tightly arranged slice of abstraction that'd give Merzbow a run for his money.»
«The beauty of this record is that after a while you can stop wondering about exactly what they're doing and what they're doing it with, and lose yourself in the strange little sonic landscapes this lot conjure up. Plus if you go to one of their gigs, you'll also get to eat the soup they cook with the instruments at the end of the performance. Now you don't get that kind of service with Autechre, do you? Recommended.»
album of the week at BBCi [read]
new betaärtist joined the free-stuff/betasoünds area
Polar (from Lisboa) Nuno Rosa + Ricardo Costa
they do some nice IDM, kinda like Metamatics and Boards of Canada, but there's also a 'portuguese' feeling about their music.
there are 2 mp3 from this artist to download.
direct link
new elastic void review at absorb.org. read it here
some quotes:
«[...] apart from an obligatory secret track, a dumping ground for spare loops and sonic faffing, the album draws to an end with 'acid beam' a track that reconciles me with this album. a calm wistful piece that gently bounces with dub pace, similar to the pole format, encrusted with a profusion of tiny percussive noises and short break bursts [...]»
«[...] there is talent here; his application of technique is tasteful. hi-fidelity and clean production are affordable these days (compare the muddy cassette quality of mu-ziq in '94) but still this really sparkles. the attention to detail in the percussive and timbral sampling, stereo panning and micro editing are as thorough as an obsessive-compulsive hand washing maniac, and worthy of acclaim. highlights for me are tracks 1, 5 and 7: constrained and reflective without being too introspective and at times evocative of the beauty and poignancy of bola. [...]»
a new artist has associated with our cause. He goes by the name of Steamboat and has already a self-released work available. called 'Model & Sketches', this album is a funny, original and well done collection of sounds and melodies that will certainly caught the most unaware of listeners. this release is totally hand made and comes with four different covers. and it's also very limited. offer yourself an original gift and go get one copy!
look for more info under 'distribution' and artists..
buy it here
we are now distributing, as well as making available on our website, the new Light Speed Approach release, titled 'Gender'. a very good record, mixing drum'n'bass and techno references.
it's an author's edition, but we liked it, and are thus supporting the band.
look for more info under 'distribution'.
buy it here
there's a
new Elastic Void review at London based Swear, a jolly great footwear brand. Swear also makes things happen around music. they released a compilation last year, with new emerging artists, including the portuguese band Hipnótica.
i t's a very nice review about Rui Gato's work around Elastic Void. if you haven't already bought the album, now is a good time to do so...
forthcoming m¨c shows/live acts:
Panzer Perez (live act)
23/01 E.S.T.G.A.D. - Caldas da Raínha
a transforma venue - free admission
+ Dj Michael Ellis
m¨c will be selling Elastic Void's album and Volun compilation at the special price of 10 euro + special gifts.¨
info [PT]:
Panzer Perez
Panzer Perez é a nova aposta da mono¨cromatica para 2003. os Panzer Perez através de 4 músicos, Nuno Gelpi (sampler), Miguel Gelpi (contrabaixo), Mario Moral (guitarra e voz) e Inês Amaro (voz), mergulham no legado histórico do reggae e do dub, na cultura urbana do hip-hop e na utilização do sampler como arma arqueológica e microscópia para as suas joint-ventures. um safari multicolor, cristalizado pela voz ímpar de Inês Amaro e pelo fraseado contínuo do contrabaixo de Miguel Gelpi.Michael Ellis
Pedro Chamorra assume aqui um ícon do melhor humor britanico alguma vez feito. um Flying Circus em velocidade cruzeiro onde o break-beat, o nu-jazz, o easy-listening, o lounge e tudo à volta, teimam em formar um carrocel, onde cada volta é sinónimo de oxigénio e de novas tendências.
texts: Bruno Barros
Happy 2003 to you all ;)
Elastic Void's album is also available in a couple of New York stores and some guys in Tokyo already have it.
Robert Henke from monolake has one copy and wrote us this:
«Great CD! I like your CD "elastic void" very much. I will listen too it often :-)»
which is nice, as we're all big fans of monolake :)