2002 NEWS
Happy 2003 to you all ;)
Elastic Void's album is also available in a couple of New York stores and some guys in Tokyo already have it.
Robert Henke from monolake has one copy and wrote us this:
«Great CD!
I like your CD "elastic void" very much. I will listen too it often :-)»
which is nice, as we're all big fans of monolake :)
hey, it's almost the big day.
Elastic Void debut album is out, and don't forget to attend to our big party 4 december at
Frágil (Bairro Alto Lx), where Elastic Void (feat. plat|::|form) are going to play just for you.
mono¨cromatica dj's will also be performing after (and before) the show:
Bruno Barros, Daniel 'King' Cake, XX and Ka§par prepared a very special night for you all, so come on. No excuses, it's free.
by the way, Elastic Void cd will be sold "on the spot" at a very nice price of 10€, so, if you wan't to buy, don't miss it. if you can't come, well, you can still buy the cd at most nice music stores, and other concerts will follow up. Keep tuned for news.
the album is also available at: Ananana, Carbono (Almirante Reis) & Empório Casa Príncipe Real. Elastic Void's album is already available at King Size and Flur, as of today. other record shops will follow until the end of the week.
don't forget about the plat|::|form showcase (feat. Elastic Void) at the King Size record shop, Saturday November 23.
we are proud to announce that Elastic Void's album will be available November 19th, through mail order. And a couple of days later at your favorite record shop.
welcome to our new site. from now on is english only, for code simplity matters. hope you like it. the navigation system is also simpler to use. just click on the sections above and you're there.
m¨c is still accepting demos and mp3, and now more than ever.
we have a new section called 'betasoünds'.
we will select the best material that comes to our mailbox and put it there for you.
want to join betasoünds? come on then... show us what you've got!