Runtime: 45'17''
«'A Labyrinth, unlike a Maze, has one clear/unambiguous/obvious route to the centre. Whereas a Maze has many complex and difficult to negotiate pathways.' - H. Towell
Although there's certainly wisdom in Towell's words, the choice of following (or not) the clear path of the labyrinth is always on the table when we initiate the journey; And here is no different: 'Tales From the Labyrinth' - the new work from Harry Towell's brainchild project Spheruleus - lays a clear path for the listener to follow, from beginning to end, but it also offers him other routes, some of which could be dead ends, making you go back to the start and re-initiate the journey. This is the perfect soundtrack translation into a music experience from what a Labyrinth is.
Towell is also right when he writes:
'The ancient ideas behind the Labyrinth were to create a spiralling pathway to the centre, where a holy shrine or statue would be. During the walk through the Labyrinth's spiralling pathway, the person making the journey would feel separated from the outside world and it would give time for reflection and to focus the mind.'
That said, the Maze's original purpose is to confuse the user into getting out of it, hiding the real way out in plain view, dissimulated. The only goal is to get out. There is nothing at the center.
The Labyrinth has clearly a goal at the centre. Close your eyes, play it loud, and use headphones to be guided all the way in.» - Pedro Leitão |
01 |
• There Are More Than Four Walls ........................................... |
pt |
us |
[15'43'' • 29,1Mb • 256Kbps] |
02 |
• Escape Escapism ...................................................................... |
pt |
us |
[8'50'' • 16,5Mb • 256Kbps] |
03 |
• Where Does The Answer Lie ................................................... |
pt |
us |
[9'39'' • 18,0Mb • 256Kbps] |
04 |
• It Sits On A Shelf Inside My Skull ........................................... |
pt |
us |
[11'05'' • 20,6Mb • 256Kbps] |
• artwork ................................................................................... |
pt |
us |
[PDF-Zip • 4,05Mb] |
• all tracks + artwork ................................................................ |
pt |
us |
[Zip • 86,8Mb] |
«Minos, rei de Creta, filho de Zeus e de Europa, encomendou a Dédalo a construção de um labirinto no qual encerrou o monstro Minotauro, corpo de homem e cabeça de touro. O monstro alimentava-se de 7 rapazes e 7 raparigas que lhe eram oferecidos em sacrifício por Minos. Teseu, o herói, consegue entrar no labirinto, integrado na terceira vaga de sacrificados. Combate o Minotauro, mata-o e salva a rapaziada. Como é que Teseu conseguiu escapar do Labirinto? Aaahh... Tales From the Labyrinth [tube 178], SPHERULEUS (Harry Towell).»
- Eduardo Chagas [Jazz e Arredores] / July 22, 2009 |
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©2009 Monstror
©2009 aeriola::behaviour
©2009 Harry Towell
©2009 test tube
This work is licensed under a
Commons License.
How to download
music tracks:
• right click the individual links
to the files;
• choose 'save as' and
point it to the place of your preference (eg:
your 'desktop');
• single click usually
works, too.
How to play music
• choose an appropriate mp3/ogg player
(we recommend Winamp)
and install it on your system;
• usually,
you double click the music files to play them,
but you might want to follow the program's specific
instructions. |