Runtime: 74'44''

«Are you ready to be embraced by the Tropical Rainforest? Thanks to the recordings of Brazilian physician mathematic and composer Thelmo Cristovam, we can sonically witness one of the most sensational environments of our planet in the surroundings of Lake Mamori (Manaus, Brazil).
Paying attention to the beauty of the micro and macro sounds of this jungle can be impossible when you are being surrounded by moistly warm air and the "Anopheles Gambiae", a mosquito that is the principal vector of malaria (afflicting more than 500 million people and causes more than 1 million deaths each year). 
These field recordings are an aural privilege that not all humans deserve. If you are a nature lover, the layers of heat will be replaced by soothing layers of refreshing eco-sound, and the mosquito bites will become pleasing static sensations. Enjoy a full day of pure connection with a pure environment.»
- Sebastian Alvarez


01 • 20/08/2006 Morning ................................................................ pt us
  [12'24'' • 28,4Mb • 320 Kbps]
02 • 20/08/2006 Night, first place ................................................... pt us
  [25'34'' • 58,5Mb • 320 Kbps]
03 • 20/08/2006 Night, second place ............................................... pt us
  [2'31'' • 5,78Mb • 320 Kbps]
04 • 21/08/2006 Afternoon .............................................................. pt us
[34'15'' • 78,4Mb • 320 Kbps]
  • artwork ................................................................................... pt  
  [PDF-Zip • 3,12Mb]    
  • all tracks + artwork ................................................................ pt us
  [Zip • 168,5Mb]    


«It is hopeful to hear recordings from such a beautiful place. Thank you Thelmo.»
- Emma Cutler [EARLabs] / September 23, 2007

«I think that music is definitely not this... and I ask myself...what is this shit I'm listening? Really, come on people! Any fucking idiot can do this!!! Get real damm it!»
- George [EARLabs] / September 23, 2007

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©2007 aeriola::behaviour
©2006 Thelmo Cristovam
©2007 test tube

This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons License.
How to download music tracks:

• right click the individual links to the files;
• choose 'save as' and point it to the place of your preference (eg: your 'desktop');
• single click usually works, too.
How to play music tracks:

• choose an appropriate mp3/ogg player (we recommend Winamp) and install it on your system;
• usually, you double click the music files to play them, but you might want to follow the program's specific instructions.

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