hit refresh for a new one.

Runtime: 35'45''

«After some generic and proximity, let’s say ‘audible’, works, Rui Gato returns with a piece divided into three movements. We ask that you do a complete listen of this EP, not because of commercial reasons – we don’t ask for money – or even of aesthetic imposition ones, but quite simply because of the Deleuzian way in which 'Chaosmos EP' is presented.
‘M1’ is nothing more than a landscape of silence, without self-imposed forms. It’s the beginning of the order in itself; it’s this un-organized state, the ‘absolute zero’ from where the whole piece starts evolving. ‘M2 Extended’ assures us that the order is not universal and pummels us to and from distinctive elements in its formal composition. ‘M3 Final’ is the end, the finish line, a proliferation of material signs that illuminates its unformed character, and even manages to approach chaos. A chaos of image/fragment/fracture/remain.
Musically speaking, the subtleties of dub-soaked disperse particles, fill up the last movement. The comprehension of this work cannot be achieved by accessing the origin, but by understanding the way all the events intertwine (M1+M2+M3) and build their own origins. Apprehend the plurality as a plurality implies that the effects of the unity must not be re-evaluated, in the same way that understanding the difference implies that the effects of the identity this work possess must not be re-evaluated. Superb!» – Bruno Barros


01 • M1 ............................................................................................ pt us
[17'28'' • 23,9Mb • 192Kbps]
02 • M2 Extended ............................................................................ pt us
[7'00'' • 9,62Mb • 192Kbps]
03 • M3 Final .................................................................................. pt us
[11'17''' • 15,5Mb • 192Kbps]
artwork ................................................................................... pt us
[PDF-Zip • 1,90Mb]
• all tracks + artwork ................................................................ pt us
  [Zip • 49,9Mb]    


«As for Chaosmos EP of Rui Gato, it is very interesting. It expects it of his artwork.»
- CHAOSMOS/TOMIOKA Masahiro [EARLabs] / July 30, 2005

«Straight outta Portugal (the country that birthed the poet who gave this website its name, it's probably worth mentioning) comes Test Tube, a netlabel with 10 sets under its belt, one of the most recent of which is Rui Gato's Chaosmos EP, three long-form tracks of slow-build drone ("M1," 17 minutes), glitched-out field recordings and modified acoustic instrumentation ("M2 Extended," 7 minutes), and a bit of granulated fire that slowly evolves into brittle minimal techno, then into a florid industrial wallop, before fading out with enough grace to erase the any memory of the recent unease ("M3 Final," 11 minutes). "M1," which starts in silence and masters a rich verticality necessary for repeat-listen ambience, is the keeper. Check them all out at (Monocromatica is the parent label of Test Tube). More on Lisbon-born musician Gato at»
- Disquiet / February 23, 2005

«Avec Rui Gato, Chaosmos ep, la discographie de Test Tube se complique un peu. C'est beaucoup plus expérimental et clairement minimal. Pas de percussions sur le premier extrait M1, pas de réelle mélodie. Juste une ambiance sépulcrale, profonde et angoissante, je dois bien le dire. Des voix d'outre-tombe fleurissent une musique dense et presque statique. Comme une vague déferlant au ralenti dans nos oreilles. Musique méditative ? Non, mais on s'en rapproche d'une certaine manière. Les morceaux s'enchaînent et la coupure avec le deuxième est nette et sans bavure. Finies les volutes ténébreuses, place à une mixture étrange faite de sons métalliques, saccadés, passés à la moulinette de blitches. Le résultat diffère mais la recette est sensiblement la même, puisque Rui Gato joue une nouvelle fois avec les tons plus qu'il ne compose une mélodie. C'est très visuel au bout du compte et on se laisse facilement bercer, même si certains passages sont un peu effrayants (dans le bon sens du terme évidemment). Le dernier extrait est définitivement rythmique, complétant l'approche progressive de l'ensemble. On décerne même un semblant de mélodie venant perturber l'opacité de la composition. Chaosmos est une oeuvre qu'il faut écouter entièrement afin de comprendre ce cheminement.»
- LaFresto / February 22, 2005

«Rui Gato - Chaosmos, released on Test Tube, is a collection of three tracks originally intended for an art venue last year. Each track adds to the complexity of the previous, making the first feel somehow pure. It’s as if the cosmos Gato is describing is awakening gently out of innocence, rather than a climatic big bang.
'M1' has hidden depths that reveal themselves at louder volumes; there’s subtitles in the reverberations in the background, so that the distracting drone belies the complexity of the piece. Gradually, Gato introduces changes to the drone which appear to indicate a climax but then are rudely interrupted by the transition to 'M2 Extended'. M2, with its ice-like sounds and bubbling parodies of strings that change chords in quite a lively manner, is very different from M1. For some reason, the complimentary sounds in M2 sound as if the laws of physics are being defied.
'M3 Final' crunches its way through several iterations, adding new elements, until it evens out into a house/dub-like progression. Gato uses effects here, mangling and filtering the sounds artfully, until there’s space to develop the harmonies more fully towards the end.
Despite each track being quite different, the description on Test Tube urges us to contemplate the entire EP as a whole. I found this release by accident on, but I’m enjoying it immensely and it’s urged me to listen to Rui Gato’s CD, 'Elastic Void'.
Update: I originally thought that abrupt ending was on purpose, but apparently not! M1 was slightly broken, and there’s a complete version up now. I liked the mistake though, which reminds me of the aesthetics of accidents section in Iman Moradi’s glitch aesthetics paper. »
- Alex Young / February 11~16, 2005

«Flowing movements: Even though divided into three parts, this release flows so well that you'll want to listen to it in its entirety. Sounds flow effortlessly from a cold, beatless drone to slightly chaotic electro-acoustic ambient to a experimental dubhouse-like soundscape.»
- LAJ / February 11, 2005

«No entusiasmante mundo das Net Labels, há uma portuguesa que começa a distinguir-se pelas muitas e boas coisas que vai lançando. Em pouco tempo a Test Tube (Netlabel da editora Mono¨cromatica) já lançou 9 excelentes EPs em mp3 de artistas como Phoebus e Lanolin. Agora chegou a vez de Rui Gato, que lançou com o nome 'Elastic Void' um dos melhores álbuns de electrónica de 2002 na Mono¨cromatica. Abandonando um pouco o mundo dos beats, "Chaosmos" é composto por 3 momentos. O tema "M1" é um drone ambiental de camadas de sons, que tanto pode constituir um momento de quase chill out, como pode denunciar um lado obscuro e opressivo. "M2 Extended" é completamente diferente, retirando rapidamente o ouvinte de uma possivel semi-dormencia através de sons concretos impregnados de ecos derivados do Dub. "M3 Final" termina o EP com ruidos ásperos e white noise, injectados por um groove inesperado. A meio, o groove dissipa-se no meio de algum caos aparente, que se reorganiza em torno de sons reconhecíveis entre máquinas de escrever e comboios fantasmas. É abrasivo, mas é também irresistível.»
- César A. Laia / February 10, 2005

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©2004 Henrique Pinto Alves
©2005 aeriola::behaviour
©2005 Rui Gato
©2005 test tube

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