* if you can read this, go here: http://www.monocromatica.com/netlabel/newsletter/newsletter_020_aug2009.html *
test tube news ~ #020 ~ aug 2009

test tube news ~ #020 ~ aug 2009


Hello people, it's been a while...

With less and less time to dedicate to test tube due to work and family stuff, this mailing list has changed from a monthly to bi-monthly to very occasional newsletter. But nevertheless, it's here!

Since the last spring newsletter, we had a bunch of new releases, 20 to be exact (not counting with yesterday's release). They range from noise drones to electro-pop to field recordings to cyberdread to classical. Stuff for everyone to enjoy!

In other news, a friend and big fan of the label is working on a new website backbone, full CMS database enabled, blog-like engine to overcome some problems test tube currently has, namely the lack of a search funtion and incapacity to accept new posts and new releases from other computer except my own. The general aspect and design will be unaltered - for now - as this is already a big change to the system. But that redesign should also be in order within the next year or so. I'm very excited with this :)

Also, we're preparing a new volume of our famous DVD collection. It will be #3 and will include all releases from tube125 to tube179 (all inclusive). This time I managed to find a handful of entomology illustrations, you now, insects! We will have 10 brand new and amazing artworks for you to choose from. Keep you eyes peeled for an Autumn release of this compilation.

I'm going on vacations with my family from September 02 to 09, so expect a slight delay with that month's releases. We're going to a place we all love very much: Barcelona!

So, take care, have a nice holidays and we'll catch up later in the Autumn.



Click each thumbnail for direct download (.ZIP) or visit our releases page for other download options and release info!

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