test tube news ~ #016 ~ may 2008
Welcome to yet another test tube newsletter! We're not issuing them in a regular basis anymore, because of limited personal time (sorry about that) but they're coming out anyways, so, without further due let's get to what's really important.
There are 7 all new releases out, and for those of you that don't visit our website often, here's a recap: 5 new works from well known test tube artists: Spirit Elevating Brains, Gordon Tebo, Mother, Entia Non and OCP. All with amazing new albums for your ultimate aural pleasure, and 2 new mesmerizing albums from new artists. One from d'incise - well known experimental music guru and netaudio activist from Switzerland - and another one from Uncle Bart comes to have breakfast - local improv. musician and netlabel curator Tiago Morgado. Don't miss on any of this essential stuff!
And if it wasn't enough, we also carry a brand new DVD-R volume of our releases: test tube collected works 076 ~ 124 is officially here! All of the 49 releases that were issued since last volume with 10 spanking brand new covers to choose from! Complete your collection and keep a physical copy for future reference. You never know when your hard drive is going boom (we know because we already broke a few...).
Visit the SHOP tab for further info.

In other exciting news, we have been invited for a couple of showcases in Sevilla, for the TERRITORIOS SEVILLA festival running on that spanish city until June 8th. We'll be there from June 4 to 6 and our showcases are June 6th in a marvellous venue called Reales Atarazanas, which is a XII century historical building. Sharing the stage will be lots of artists from Spain, Germany, France and U.S.A. and we're very flattered to participate. We're taking Platform to do a live set and I'll be delivering a DJ set composed entirely of netaudio experimental and drone stuff. The well known canadian artist Deadbeat (and one of my favorites), aka Scott Monteith, will be opening the Territorios Digitales section of the festival, in which we are taking part. We will also have a stand there, with a selection of goodies to sell and give away, including of course, our two DVD volumes.
If you're from around Sevilla or want to enjoy an excellent music festival - check out the complete programme - stop by and visit us!
As for future releases, we have a lot of new talent to introduce to you. And some surprises... keep your eyes peeled ;)
Visit our release page for download and release info!
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