test tube news ~ #008 ~ jul 2007
Cheers planet Earth!
Although June is the starting month of the holiday season in most northern hemisphere countries, test tube doesn't drop and has managed to release four new mp3 albums (plus another CD-R volume) from three completely new artists. Well, not exactly, because Quest.Room.Project's Bogdan Dullsky is pretty well known among his Russian pairs, but nevertheless, he's new in our home.
This month which just ended delivered three great albums of pure abstractionist electronic music, and nearly contemporary edges as well. Nodepet with his excellent 'Concrete Muser'; the return of David Velez as himself with the magnificent Genki Vol. II and Bogdan Dullsky with another one of his 'Room Number' series, the ultra-complex (in a good sense) 'Fiducial Banality', which isn't a banality at all. We ended with something completely different - like John Cleese used to say - from the USA: an electropop outfit called Post Human Era, which is the work from the mind and talent of two brothers. It will freshen up your mind with its guitar riffs.
Take care. Until next month!
June 25, 2007

• tube'|080 - Post Human Era - Where I'm Going Half the Time
«Download it. Listen to it. And if you feel like running (or imagining yourself running) at the end of spring's sunny days then you'll have a match.
Mild, often happy - not euphoric -, mid-tempo - not too slow and definitely not too fast.
It’s a pleasant blend of moments, from pop music to experimental stuff. It’s pop for the non-pop listeners (Post-pop electronic music if you want to name it). It’s more about instruments than voice, which has a slightly metallic touch (post-human).
The passages, approaches of structure, melody (usually strong without losing it’s environmental side) and effects are often exotic; they don’t sound like a band’s everyday meal - the end of "Before Guns" is a perfect example of an ingenious and surprising ending.
Good moods are likely to arise through unconventional ways.»
- Nuno Sousa e Silva
June 18, 2007

• tube'|079 - David Velez - Genki Vol. II
«David Velez is better known as Lezrod and has released a couple of releases under this moniker on both Zymogen and Test Tube. His latest work Genki consists of two parts which are simultaneously and separately released on both Zymogen and Test Tube as a collaboration between both netlabels.
The title Genki is derived from the contraction of two words:
- Gene, which answers.com describes as "hereditary unit consisting of a sequence of DNA that occupies a specific location on a chromosome and determines a particular characteristic in an organism";
- Ki, which refers to the Kanji symbol for "spirit, mood". In a wider sense it also stands for the concept originating from traditional Chinese culture "to be part of every living thing that exists, as a kind of 'life force' or 'spiritual energy'."
Concerning new musical achievements Genki Vol. I and II are not only a great step forward compared to earlier releases, both volumes also mark a transition to a new period in David Velez' life, from quitting his job in Bogota, Colombia for working full time on his music to moving to Queens, NY (in the northeast of the United States) with a new job in an unfamiliar environment and a different culture.
Genki Vol. II, the release on Test Tube, is characterised by a level of abstraction unrivalled in former releases of his. Voices, feedback and machine noise happily unite with patches of airy chords to a colourful texture of sonic art. Like a common thread in a novel, there is a logical progression in this scenery, nothing is left without a cause. No doubt that David Velez has considerably broadened his music vocabulary and reached an impressive level of proficiency.»
- Olliver Wichmann
June 14, 2007
Yes, we added a proper shop page for your convenience. For now, you'll find the CD-R and DVD-R releases we've been made, but expect to find other test tube products and merchandise in the near future, like t-shirts, pins and other cool stuff. We'll also build a selection of independent and hand-made releases from many of our artists. Keep your eyes peeled!
June 13, 2007

• tube'|cdr006 - v/a - tube066 ~ tube072
The sixth volume is now available. From Clorofila Azul to Michael Trommer releases. Get it here.
June 11, 2007

• tube'|078 - Quest.Room.Project - Room Number: Fiducial Banality
«A gentle flute motive introduces us to the world of Quest.Room.Project from Russia, and one might at first expect a relaxed listening experience. But by the time more voices chime in, it becomes obvious that these spotlights are going to be swallowed by shadows of tragic compassion. "Room Number: Fiducial Banality" is organised in 4 parts (one could as well define them as movements, because there are some key themes occuring throughout the entire release) and each of them features a room with distinct acoustic characteristics:
"The reason for surfacing" appears like a shadow of a doubt that gradually turns into overwhelming certainty. Almost inaudible at the beginning, "Assemblage" soon escalates to several emotional outbursts, before exhaustion will take its tribute in "Possesion" and create a haunted, threatening atmosphere. As reminiscence of the beginning, "Combined Exercises" begins with a flute solo and continues to pick up previous motives to escalate them to a wall of sound. Finally the dissonances wither away and make room for the last remnants of the ever occuring flute theme. A cycle has been completed and we are at the beginning again...
Bogdan Dullsky, the creative head behind the Quest.Room.Project, describes his intentions on the project's website as "a search of space for the life leaving for borders of habitual linearity". But "Room Number: Fiducial Banality" doesn't attempt to descibe a solution to break free: It's left up to the listeners themselves to recognise their personal ever returning patterns of life and change them by their own strategy. or - as Bogdan concludes - as an "attempt to live by some own rules on which borders it is possible to breathe freely".»
- Olliver Wichmann
June 04, 2007

• tube'|077 - Nodepet - Concrete Muser
«'Muser' is a word of Germanic origin that means 'thinker' or 'ponderer', someone who puts brain or mind effort into contemplation of things.. It can also come from the latin 'musa', or 'muse' which is a person or object whose purpose is to inspire creativity. But when you put 'Muser' and 'Concrete' together, what do they mean? Is it some kind of definition? or perhaps, a pun of 'Concrete Music', 'Musique Concrète'? Only Nodepet knows for sure.
Meet Olliver Wichmann, the man behind the moniker. Olliver is a secretive german guy, obsessed with overly processed and cerebral experimental music. His goal? No one knows. Perhaps not even himself. Could he be trying to strip all things emotional from his music, reducing it to an expression, an abstraction, much like Schaeffer did in the mid 40's? We can't really tell if this music was synthesized with software, hardware or if it was based on found sounds, then manipulated and assembled into arrays of sound phrases, designs, like expressionist and abstract paintings.
Maybe we shouldn't be thinking too much about the music. Instead, we should get down and dirty, with all 79 minutes of it.»
- Pedro Leitão
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